Polo Horses

Breeding, training and selling of polo horses

Since the early 2000s, we've been breeding polo horses and in 2017, with the rest of the family, we moved our stud from Germany to Mallorca. 

Here, alongside our stallion "Oshawa’s Flashback," we keep several broodmares and their offspring in natural groups, ensuring they have plenty of social interaction and are free to roam the land.

Private Lessons

We hold private lessons for experienced riders in our gallop track and a 40 x 90m arena.

To enquire please get in touch with us.

Polo on Sundays

Every Sunday we play training chukkers, followed by Aperitivo Hour and social mingling. Experienced players are welcome.

To join, please get in touch.

Animal Welfare

Our horses are known for their balanced temperament and agility, making them ideal polo partners. Their balance comes not only from good genetics but also from living in mixed-age and mixed-sex groups. They stay outdoors year-round with access to natural shelter from sun and rain.

We start training young horses at age 3, but they usually don't play polo until they're 5. We prioritize slow, gentle training tailored to each horse's physical and mental development.

If you’re interested in learning more about ethical horse breeding, contact us to arrange a visit.