Date: 11/29/2021

1. General

The following general terms and conditions apply to all contracts, deliveries and other services. Different contractor rules, we hereby expressly object. All subsidiary agreements or additions require our written confirmation.

Can Cavall Blau (owner Katja Lebelt) only concludes contracts with the following clients:

  • natural persons with unlimited legal capacity who have reached the age of 18

  • legal entities domiciled or domiciled in the European Union.


By submitting your order, you affirm that you are at least 18 years old and that the information you have provided regarding your name and address is correct. You are obliged to ensure that only you or persons of legal age authorized by you to receive the delivery receive the goods.

If an unaccepted client's offer has been inadvertently accepted, Can Cavall Blau has the right to terminate the contract within a reasonable period after becoming aware of it. Any expenses incurred must be assumed by the polluter or his representative.


We reserve the right to exclude customers who make false purchases, permanently return ordered items or refuse acceptance without reason, do not pay or prevent the proper functioning of the system through other activities.

2 offers

Our offers are not binding. Small deviations and technical changes are possible compared to our images or descriptions. Offers are only valid for a limited period or the period shown. We take no responsibility for printing/text errors.

3. Conclusion of the contract and cancellation policy


The contract is concluded by accepting the customer's order and accepting our terms and conditions, via the Internet (online order).

The following right of withdrawal does not apply to food that has already been opened/used.

Instructions on the right of withdrawal:
You can revoke your contract declaration within two weeks without giving reasons in text form (e.g. email) to Can Cavall Blau. The period begins with the completion of the online order. Timely submission of the cancellation in writing is sufficient to meet the cancellation deadline.

Return shipping costs will be borne by the customer, unless the customer has received incorrect or defective goods.

Address for written revocation:

Can Cavall Blau
Katja Lebelt

Cemetery panel mailbox 10
07140 Sencelles / Baleares

Address for returns:

Can Cavall Blau
Katja Lebelt

Polo Camí. 4, Parc. 255
07140 Sencelles / Balearic Islands

In the case of effective cancellation, mutually received benefits must be returned. If you are unable to return the goods/items/packaging received, in whole or in part, or only in a damaged condition, you may be required to pay Can Cavall Blau compensation for damage and/or value. You can avoid this by not using the thing as a proprietor and by avoiding anything that could affect its value. Fresh products cannot be exchanged.

4. Availability reservation

If Can Cavall Blau discovers after the conclusion of the contract that the ordered goods are no longer available or cannot be delivered for legal reasons, they may offer goods of equivalent quality and price or terminate the contract. Payments already received will be refunded immediately upon cancellation of the contract.

5. Delivery and delivery times

We reserve the right to make a partial delivery, whenever it seems advantageous for rapid processing. Merchandise must be checked for completeness and intactness upon delivery.

Can Cavall Blau tries to keep delivery times as short as possible and tries to deliver the order within 5 to 8 working days. However, if delays occur, this does not exempt you from acceptance or payment for the goods.

6. Prices, payment conditions and domain reservation

All prices quoted in the store are final prices and include VAT applicable on the day of billing. If prices are displayed incorrectly due to spelling, system or other errors and/or incorrectly booked in the incoming order confirmation (email), the standard or current offer price is automatically applied!

Payment for the goods must be made prior to receipt of delivery and will be made as agreed at the time of placing the order.

7. Warranty/defect notification

The customer must check that the goods are complete and intact upon receipt of delivery and notify this immediately in writing. In the case of hidden defects, notification must be made immediately after the hidden defect has been discovered.

In the event of a defect, the customer may request the removal of the defect or, if this is not possible, the delivery of a defect-free item.

8. Risk transfer

The risk passes to the buyer when the goods are shipped.

9. Divisibility clause

The ineffectiveness of individual provisions does not affect the effectiveness of the other provisions. In particular, the contract remains effective for both parties.

10. Notes on data storage

Analogous to the regulations of the Federal Data Protection Act, we draw your attention to the fact that all data necessary for commercial transactions are processed and stored using digital means.

Of course, personal data will be treated confidentially and will not be transmitted, sold or made available to third parties.

11. Place of performance and jurisdiction

The place of performance is Sencelles / Mallorca, the place of jurisdiction for both parties is Palma de Mallorca. Spanish law applies exclusively to all transactions.